To school data in the online Tebookbook indent system, the school will have to do on the go to the website.
School will give the main teacher's name and mobile number to use his udise code
Select the type of school, governance, kgbv., resonation, model school and medium
School of 1 to 8 likes to choose their taluka / municipality
If they are school from 1 to 12, they select both of your taluka / municipality and SVS
Textbooks from standard 1 to 8 will be available from school to the school from the selected telequa / municipality.
Choosing school, medium, standard, subject
Submit the number of textures need to submit the number of
According to the textbook, the number of students according to CTs will be accepted by the CTS, then the demand will be accepted.
Then click on request Books> STD 1 to ROUND
Demand Books STD 1 to 8 ROUND 1 (New Congregation Textbooks), the medium, select the number of the CTS, the number of cts
Check out the report by entering the Entry Reply STD 1 to 8 in the reports menu to repair this information.