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Matter of paying ad hoc bonus for class 3 employees of Gujarat government for the year 2020-2021

Government of Gujarat Finance Department

Resolution No .: - Bunus-102018 / GOI / 12 / Ch Secretariat, Gandhinagar

The state government has decided to pay ad hoc bonus equal to 30 (thirty) days salary for the financial year 2060-2021 to the employees performing regular duty in class 7 in the 7th, 6th and 5th pay commission. The maximum amount of ad hoc bonus is Rs. 500 / -. For the purpose of this order

(1) Salary is defined in Rule 3 (2) of Gujarat Civil Service Rules, 2006.

Salary as done.

(2) The salary or pay scale of the place means the salary or pay scale fixed and amended in Gujarat State Service (Salary Reform) Rules 2016, Gujarat State Service (Salary Reform) Rules 2006 as well as Gujarat State Service (Pay Reform) Rules 12.

. The benefit of ad hoc bonus will be available subject to the following conditions. (1) The benefit of ad hoc bonus will be available only to class-4 employees.

(2) Dat. Employees who are employed on 31/9/2071 and who have worked for at least 6 (six) consecutive months during the year 2020-2021 will be eligible for payment in proportion to the number of jobs done under this order. The eligibility period will be calculated based on the number of months in the job (approximately the entire month).

Amount of Ad Hoc Bonus Receivable under these Orders on 31/9/2021

Receivables will be on a case-by-case basis.

(2) Calculation of Ad Hoc Bonus The limit for average salary / calculation should be decided whichever is less. To calculate one day's ad hoc bonus, you have to divide the one-year allowance by 30.5. The ad hoc bonus will then be multiplied by the number of days approved. E.g. According to the 5th, 6th and 7th pay commission, where the salary is more than Rs.500 / -, the maximum limit is Rs. 500 / - Considering, 90 days ad hoc bonus X 30 + 50.5 = Rs. 2.5 (3 / - in full rupee).

(2) Loose laborers who have worked for at least 90 days for each year for three years or more shall be entitled to the payment of this ad hoc bonus. Apart from the actual monthly wage, Rs. 1500 / - will be paid on the basis of imaginary salary. The amount of ad hoc bonus payable is Rs


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